2025 Annual Conference - Call for Presentations



Premium Photo | Microphone on abstract blurred of speech in seminar room or  speaking conference hall light

Interested in presenting
at the
2025 Annual Conference?


The International Association for Bloodstain Pattern Analysts (IABPA) is a premier professional organization for practitioners and educational professionals in the science of bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA). The IABPA is focused on promoting the science of BPA, standardizing the scientific techniques of BPA, promoting education and encouraging research in BPA, and informing members and the BPA community of the latest techniques, discoveries, and developments in BPA.

We’re looking for conference presenters to speak on a wide array of topics. Most importantly, we’re looking for presentations that are BOLD, innovative, engaging, inspiring, and informative for the BPA Community.*
If you think you’re a good fit, submit your bio and presentation abstract to jdozier@gardencitypolice.org

Please make sure to include the following information: 
  • Name, organization, address and email contact information
  • Presentation Type (General session/Lecture, Workshop, Bring your own case)
  • Presentation Title and Abstract
  • Time Requirements and Audio/Visual needs

Abstract deadline is AUGUST 15, 2025

*Abstracts will be reviewed for quality, relevance, and applicability to the audience.  The Conference Planning Committee reserves the right to refuse an abstract without justification.  Once a decision is made, the Conference Planning Committee will notify you of your abstract’s acceptance or rejection using the email provided in the application.  If accepted, additional information regarding the time and location of your presentation or workshop will be provided closer to the conference date once an agenda is finalized.  The agenda is subject to change at any time for any reason.  Presentations by commercial entities shall be limited to the science and not to an advertisement or promotion of their product over that of a competitor. All abstracts will be reviewed by the Conference Planning Committee; however, due to the limited number of openings in the agenda, not all abstracts will be accepted.