Daniel J. Rahn Research Grant



1946 - 2002


Royal Canadian Mounted Police



As a memorial to Dan, the IABPA has established a research grant intended to support the advancement of the science of bloodstain pattern analysis.



There are grants available for up to $3000 USD each plus meeting attendance benefits.

  • Submit your research proposal by November 30th to be considered for funding beginning in January. Submission Guidelines and your Obligations and Requirements are found as .pdf links below.



The Daniel J. Rahn Research Grant


The purpose of the grant is to encourage and support research in BPA and to enable that research to reach the BPA community.


To be eligible for the grant, one must be:
  • An IABPA Full Member in good standing, or
  • Non-members, IABPA Associate Members or IABPA Provisional Members nominated by an IABPA Full Member in good standing with demonstration of adequate mentorship for their project.


Submission Procedures and Administration

All research proposals are submitted electronically to the Committee chair, contact and link provided below. Any questions regarding the Rahn Grant may be directed to the Committee chair.
Please review and use the documents below to complete the grant application process and understand the recipient obligations.

All research proposal submissions received by the submission deadline will be reviewed by the Rahn Grant Committee members who rate the scientific merit, significance and feasibility of the proposed work.  The review process is double-blind and independent, moderated by the Committee chair.

Recommendations for research funding are presented to the IABPA Executive Board for organizational funding approval.  If there are more submissions meeting acceptable scientific merit than there are grants available, preference will be given to those who are not previous grant recipients.

If you have any questions regarding the grant, please contact the Committee Chair.


Daniel J. Rahn Research Grant Committee

Committee Chair:  

Lynne D. Herold, Ph.D., Senior Criminalist, LASD (Ret.)

Committee Members:

T. Paulette Sutton, M.S., M.T. (ASCP)
Brian Yamashita, Ph.D., Research Scientist
Silke M.C. Brodbeck, M.D., Ph.D.
Martin Eversdijk 

All application submissions are reviewed by the Grant Committee.  Following the review process, the Committee Chair will forward final recommendations to the Executive Board.  All proposals received on or before the submission deadline will be reviewed and recipients will be determined in December/January.  Funding of the awarded grants will be in January