Journal of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

Copyright 2025 by the International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts. All rights reserved.
Journal of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
The Journal of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis is the official publication of the International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts and is published quarterly.
The Journal of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis is committed to the dissemination of information relevant to the Association, its members, and the discipline of bloodstain pattern analysis.*
* Neither the International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts nor its Editor(s) assume any responsibility for the statements and opinions contained within this publication.
Publication Committee
Celestina Rossi
Associate Editors
Alison Gingras
Jeff Gurvis
If you are interested in submitting a manuscript for publication, or to submit News, Announcements, Events or any other material, please complete and submit the JBPA Submission Form using the link below.
For other questions or general inquiries regarding the Journal, you may also use this form to contact the Editor.
Current Issues of the JBPA
2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
For JBPA Issues published prior to 2000, click HERE
Some editions contain numerous photographs and may be up to 15MB in size.
February 2025
(Volume 39, No. 1)
March 2023
(Volume 38, No. 1)
December 2022
(Volume 37, No. 4)
September 2022
(Volume 37, No. 3)
June 2022
(Volume 37, No. 2)
March 2022
(Volume 37, No. 1)
(Volume 36, No. 4)
The December 2021 issue contains the following content:
- Abstracts for presentations and workshops at the 2021 conference
- Education Committee update
- Translation committee update
- Book review
- Update from the IAI BPA certification board
- Update from the BPA subcommittee of OSAC
- Upcoming BPA training courses
- Online resources
- Recently published BPA related articles
- BPA related standards
(Volume 36, No. 3)
The September issue contains the following content:
- Two requests for assistance
- Research article - A preliminary investigation into the influence of case information and surface
material effects on the judgments of forensic science undergraduate students
within the discipline of bloodstain pattern analysis
- Research article - A Large-Scale Study of Bloodstain Ellipse Marking
- Training opportunities
- Published articles and published BPA standards
- Online resources
(Volume 36, No. 2)
(Volume 36, No. 1)
Elected Officers and Committees
Author Submission Guidelines,
Call for BPA Photos
Organizational Notices
2021 Training Conference
Membership application info
Daniel Rahn Memorial Grant
Association Bylaws
Code of Ethics
Past Presidents and Distinguished Members
Training in North America, Europe, and Oceanic-Asia
Online Resources
Translations of Bloodstain Terms
Recently published BPA articles
Published Standards for BPA
and Persistence of Blood at an Outdoor Crime Scene
22nd Annual International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Presentation Abstract
for Detailed Analysis of Blood Droplet Dynamics
in Edinburgh, Scotland, November 12-14, 2012
- Presentation Abstract from the Annual Training Conference in Tucson, Arizona
- Arterial Bloodstain Patterns on Clothing - Case Study
Research and Crime Scene Reconstruction
- Executive, Awards, Conference and Training submissions only
- The Latex Lifting Method for the Recovery of Blood, DNA and Dermal Ridge Evidence in Arson Cases
- The IABPA Code of Ethics
- Presentation Abstracts from the 2011 Annual IABPA Training Conference, Milwaukee, WI
- SWGSTAIN Document Review Report
- Calculating the Area of Origin of Spattered Blood on Curved Surfaces
- Computer Analysis of Bloodstain Patterns on Angled Surfaces
- A Simple and Quick Method of Making Sketches Using Adobe Photoshop
- An Amusing Method for Covering Bloodstains
- Alternative Resources for BPA
- Committee Reports
- Draft Version of Ethics Enforcement Policy
- Awards and Recognition Policy
- Introduction of 2011 Executive Officers
- IABPA Code of Ethics Discussion Paper
- Visualizing Bloodstain Patterns on Dark/Multi-Colored Clothing using Luminol and Adobe Photoshop
- Evaluation of Celestron Microscope for BPA
December 2010
- BPA Part 1 - Training and Educational Materials
- Exploring the Relationship between
Finger/Palm Prints and Blood
- 2010 Presentation Abstracts and General Meeting Minutes
- Korea's Approach to BPA Training
- Presentation Abstracts from the 2010 BPA Symposium
- Highlights from the third European IABPA Training Conference in Lisbon, Portugal
- Unusual Bloodstains in an Extremely Cold Outdoor Environment
- Unusual Bloodstain Pattern on a Knife
- BPA in Turkey
- On-Line Certification Survey
- Research Article - Evaluation of Blood Deposition on Fabric:
Distinguishing Spatter and Transfer Stains
- Evaluation of the Celestron Digital Microscope
- Court Decision: Determining the Age of Bloodstains
- References for Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
- State of Wisconsin 2009 Assembly Bill 627: Digital Photograph
- Research Article - Evaluation of Blood Saturation as a Mechanism of Change in Stabbing Defects in Clothing
- 2009 Training Conference Presentation Abstracts
- Annual Business Meeting Minutes
- Proposed IABPA Advanced 40 Hour Course Outline
- Cohesion, Wettability, and Blood Drops that Land on a Smooth, Hard Surface
- Second BPA Symposium (MFRC)
- An Interesting Bloodstain Pattern
- First Issue of the IABPA NEWS
- New Host Agency for SWGSTAIN
- Thoughts of Herbert Leon MacDonell
- Second Nordic BPA Meeting in Iceland
- An Interesting BPA Pattern
- The Identification and Significance of Hemospheres
in Crime Scene Investigation
- Guide to Capturing Photographs of Bloodstains for 3D Measurement
- An Expiratory Bloodstain Pattern Due to Medical Intervention
December 2008
- Comparison of the Luminol and BlueStar Reagents in Detecting Blood in Soil Nearly Four Years After Deposition
- Research Project into the Error Rates Associated with BPA
- Photos and Presentation Abstracts from the 2008 Training Conference
- Annual General Meeting Minutes
September 2008
- Highlights and Presentation Abstracts from the European Training Conference
June 2008
- High Speed Digital Analysis of Bloodstain Pattern Formation from Common Bloodletting Mechanisms
- SWGSTAIN Draft Document:
"Recommended BPA Terminology"
- Proposed Changes to IABPA Bylaws
March 2008
- Case Report - Bloodstains of Gettysburg (The use of Chemiluminescent Blood Reagents)
- SWGSTAIN Documents:
Guidelines for Minimum Training
Guidelines for Quality Assurance
Admissibility Hearing Topics
- Highlights and Presentation Abstracts from the 2007 Annual Training Conference
- 2007 Annual General Meeting Minutes
- The Tangent Method and Spreadsheets - Determining Point or Area of Origin in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
- Design and Construction of a Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Laboratory
- Literature Search for the Distance that Back Spatter Travels
- Reflections upon Arteries and Veins - A Plea for "Spurt Patterns"
- Bloodstain Photography
- Research Article - Detecting Blood Patterns in Soil with Luminol Two Years after Deposition
- IABPA BPA Basic Course Requirements
- Highlights of the 2006 IABPA Training Conference, Corning, NY
- Annual Business Meeting Minutes
- Research Article: The Use of Luminol to Detect Blood in Soil One Year after Deposition
-Research Article: Differentiating High Velocity Blood Spatter Patterns, Expirated Bloodstains and Insect Activity
- An Update of the Activities of the
- Case Study - Bloodstain Pattern Interpretation
- Abstracts of Recent BPA Articles Published in Scientific Literature
- Technical Note: The Detection of Salivary Amylase in Expirated Blood Patterns
- Technical Article: Disposable Mannequins - An Alternative for Clothing Examinations
- Case Report: Post Mortem Bloodshed Caused by Body Position and Lividity
- Research Article: Preliminary Evaluation of Spatter Head aka Bludgeon Head to Demonstrate Impact Spatter as a Result of Beating Mechanism
- "An Unusual Bloodstain Pattern"
- BPA Related Abstracts from the 18th International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences
- Research Article: Another Treatment of
Three-Dimensional BPA
- Research Article: Experimental Detection of Blood Under Painted Surfaces
- Proceedings of the First European IABPA Conference
- Enhancement of Bloodstain on Washed Clothing Using Luminol and LCV Reagents
- Use of and Limitations of Luminol in BPA
- Science in BPA
- First European IABPA Training Conference Information
- Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 2005 IABPA Conference
- Minutes of the 2005 General Meeting
- Abstracts of Recent BPA Articles Published in Scientific Literature
- BPA and Region VI (Australia)
- Research Article: The Relationship Between Errors in Ellipse Fitting and Impact Angle Calculations
- Research Article: Validation of BackTrackTM Computer Program
- Results of IABPA Proficiency Testing
- Abstracts of Recent BPA Articles in Scientific Literature
-Technical Article: Creating Luminol Photographs with Digital Imaging
- Case Report: Correlating Injuries and Bloodstains at a Scene
- Proposed Bylaw and Constitution Change
- Research Article: Casting Two-Dimensional Bloody Shoe Prints from Concrete, Fabric and Human Skin
- Case Report: Blood, Fire and Water
- Presentation Abstracts from the 2004 Training Conference
- Canada/Guatemala and the RCMP - An Evolution of Cooperation in Forensic Training
- Annual Business Meeting Minutes
- Case Report: Chronic Venous Insufficiency Syndrome
- Scandinavian Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Conference
- Research article: Another Confusing Bloodstain Pattern
- Bloodstain Pattern Analysis in the News
- IABPA Bloodstain Pattern Proficiency Testing Survey
- Research Article: The ABAcard Hematrace(R) - A Confirmatory Identification
of Human Bloods Located at Crime Scenes
- Proposed Changes for Constitution and Bylaws, March 2004
- Abstracts of Presentations Given at the 2003 IABPA Annual Training Conference
- SWGSTAIN Survey, December 2003
- 2003 Annual Meeting Minutes
- Bloodstain on Fabrics: The Effects of Droplet Velocity and Fabric Composition
- 2003 IABPA Committees
- A National Survey of Police Exposure to Bloodstain Pattern Analysis, March 2003
- Determination of Impact Angle Using Mathematical Properties of the Ellipse
- A Laser Angle Gauge for use in Stringing Bloodstain Patterns
- Extreme Temperature Effect on Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
- Supplement Technical Article: Creating a Bloodstain Pattern Generator
- Constitution and Bylaws of the IABPA
- Letter to the Editor: Velocity Problems and Pressure Differentials in the Formation of Bloodstains
- 2000 Annual Meeting Minutes
- IABPA Appointed Committees
- Newsletter Publication Guidelines
- Basic Course Guidelines
June / September 2000
An Advocate's Approach to Bloodstain Analysis Evidence:
Parts I and II
2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 / 1983-1999